The most common myths about sugar

Myth 1: Sugar, yes, but not every day

Sugar releases serotonin which is also called the hormone of happiness and satisfaction, which has a number of positive effects on the human body and emotional health. Provided a properly functioning pancreas, a dessert a day improves good mood and health.

Myth 2: Sugar causes weight gain

Sugar, like many other foods, is rich in carbohydrates. Intake of excessive amounts of carbohydrates in any form without practicing physical activity can lead to weight gain.

However, many studies have shown that “moderate amounts of sugar” in diets that restrict carbohydrate intake have no negative impact on weight loss as opposed to a diet that does not include refined sugar. Some studies have shown that people who introduced more sugar and cut down on fat in their diet, did not experience weight gain as a result, because fat is more fattening than sugar.

Myth 3: Sugar causes diabetes

Sugar does not cause diabetes, according to the views of the American Diabetes Association and many other scientific authorities.

Diabetes is caused by a combination of genetic and lifestyle factors. However, being overweight increases the risk of developing Type 2 diabetes. A person with a history of diabetes in their family needs to adhere to a healthy diet and regular physical activity.

Myth 4: Sugar harms your teeth

This is one of the oldest myths about sugar. All carbohydrates start to decompose in the mouth before they are converted into sugar. Our body does not make a clear distinction between different sugars, which means that, in terms of decomposition of food in the mouth, it does not matter whether we are eating white bread, sandwich or a dessert.

Precisely because of this, the longer the teeth are exposed to acid-generating foods (such as fats, oils, fruits, dairy products, pasta, alcohol, sugar, etc..), the greater the chances of getting tooth cavities. Some tricks for dental care include using straw and drinking milk after meals.

Myth 5: Sugar is addictive

The truth is that no food can cause addiction. This myth is based on the fact that sugar increases the levels of serotonin or the mood-lifting hormone of happiness and satisfaction.

Sugar has the ability to enhance the flavor of high nutritional value foods. Consumed in moderation, sugar is one of the simple pleasures of our life. With a balanced, healthy lifestyle, and a bit of self-control, we can all freely enjoy sugar without feeling guilty.